Proper fountain care is the key to its longevity

For interior fountains, the operation of which does not have long seasonal breaks, maintenance consists of maintaining a working water feature. In all other cases, in addition to this, winter preservation is necessary, and then re-preservation and start-up of all systems after a long period of rest. Only highly qualified specialists can handle such work; it is better if they come from the company that was involved in the construction of this facility. Then they will not have to delve into all the nuances of a particular hydraulic structure for a long time, which will significantly reduce the time spent on completing the work and have a positive impact on their quality.

Preserving the fountain for the winter

Such work represents a whole range of technical measures aimed at protecting communications and structures from low temperatures and adverse weather conditions throughout the entire downtime. They can be divided into stages:

The water is drained, after which a general cleaning of the bottom and walls of the fountain bowl and all equipment is carried out.
A set of measures is being taken to thoroughly remove the remaining water. For example, compressors are used to blow through pipelines.
A kind of protection is installed in the technological pits of the bowl to compensate for the increase in the volume of water when it freezes. Suitable for this purpose are objects that, when external pressure increases, will compress air-filled tires, foam plastic, and others.
All piping elements of a hydraulic structure that can be damaged at low temperatures are removed and stored in a specially designated place. Those that cannot be dismantled are carefully freed from water, and plugs are installed at the free ends of the pipes. Filters are also removed for winter storage, having previously undergone a cleaning process.
Covering the bowl with the help of special structures, when installing which you need to be careful not to spoil the facing materials. This way you can significantly extend the life of the fountain, since reliable protection against moisture penetration will be provided not only for the bowl itself, but also for the equipment. In this case, you should take care that the protective structures are securely fastened so that strong winds cannot overturn them.

The process of re-opening and launching the fountain complex

It also consists of many steps that must be followed in a prescribed order. The work begins with the careful removal of the structures covering the bowl, after which it is thoroughly cleaned. The surrounding space is also tidied up.

Next, you need to remove all temporarily installed plugs on the pipelines and organize its flushing. At the same time, the efficiency of the systems that ensure the filling and emptying of the bowl is checked.

The following steps require sufficient qualifications and knowledge because you need to:
Install pumps, filters, lamps and other equipment that was in winter storage.
Check the functionality and tightness of terminal blocks and cable joints that are operated under water.
Check the efficiency of the control panel and make the necessary adjustments.
Launch the fountain, having previously adjusted the underwater lighting and adjusted the operation of the water compositions.
As already mentioned, the best option is if the organization that installed the fountain and carried out the entire range of commissioning works will perform its maintenance work. Otherwise, she must prepare and submit documents to the company that operates this water body, which provides clear recommendations to effectively organize its further operation.

Specifics of maintenance of a working fountain

Such work is aimed at maintaining the exterior of water structures in proper order, ensuring a high level of operational safety of such facilities, and if unplanned difficulties arise, immediately making adequate decisions and translating them into reality.

The cost of such maintenance is determined separately for each fountain, since the scope of work may vary significantly. It, in turn, depends on climatic conditions and the size of the structure. The level of technical equipment is also important. For example, the water level is of great importance, since when it decreases, not only does the general perception change, but pumping equipment can also break down. If there is no system that automatically maintains the specified water level, then daily monitoring of this parameter is necessary.

How to properly organize fountain maintenance?

Among the measures that are necessary to maintain the functionality and external design of the fountain, the most relevant are:
Organization of supervision by administrative and economic organizations. In the absence of fencing, theft or construction of an object equipped with fountain complexes increases significantly, and the thicket becomes heavily polluted.
Checking the reliability of automation and fountain control, which is especially important if submersible pumps are used. The most popular safety equipment includes:
Wind load sensors capable of turning off equipment when preset parameters are exceeded, thereby maximally preventing emptying of the bowl and excessive splashing of water.
A relay that controls the water level in the fountain bowl, ensures the filling level of the required volume, and, if necessary, turns off the pumps.
Light sensors that provide light in the dark.
Sensors that provide filters that prevent engine damage when clogged and are installed on water pre-filters in the suction pipeline.
The organization of the operation of the fountain must provide all the necessary measures to ensure that the operation of the fountain is as safe as possible. This process corresponds to modern dispatch systems, which allow you to remotely not only monitor the process, but also, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments. This way you can:

Inspect the fountain equipment, assess its performance and the need for repairs, its approximate volume.
Monitor factors that have a negative impact on the appearance of the fountain, its integrity, and the condition of the water. If there is no possibility of a threat to their influence, it is necessary to observe measures for the operation of the fountain, based on the circumstances.